The overall 5-MAPB experience

The world of research chemicals is expanding every day. A still relatively unknown yet interesting RC is 5-MAPB. This research chemical is known for energy-boosting effects it delivers, making it somewhat similar to amphetamines such as MDMA and Speed. Little research has yet been done on the effects and risks of 5-MAPB. Therefore, this blog wants to dwell on the general 5-MAPB experience among the studies that have already been done. What do people think about this research chemical?
What is 5-MAPB?
5MAPB is a research chemical that belongs to the benzofuran family of RCs. It is similar in chemical structure to drugs like MDMA, but 5-MAPB acts energy-boosting more than sedative, which also makes it somewhat similar to illicit drugs like cocaine and XTC. 5-MAPB is best known for its effects as more social behaviour and the removal of inhibitions.
What do benzofuran chemicals do?
Benzofuran is the class of research chemicals, which includes RCs like 6-APB and 5-MAPB. Benzofuran may be similar in name to the better-known class of benzodiazepine, but these benzofurans are very similar to amphetamines combined with the social aspect, which party drugs like XTC bring about. Thus, you get more energy, euphoric feelings and enhancement of sensory feelings from these benzos.
What people think of the RC: 5-MAPB experience
Although little research has been done on the 5-MAPB experience, a number of online studies have appeared. In these, most results towards the 5-MAPB experience appear to be positive and 5MAPB is named as a true party drug. This is partly due to its uplifting effects such as:
- Increase in compassion
- Benevolence towards the environment
- Looser behaviour/no inhibitions
- Openness
- More intense experience of music and light
- Greater enjoyment of music
- Euphoric feelings
- Satisfied feeling
- More energy
- Improved concentration
- Increased ability to analyse
- Improved memory
5 MAPB unpleasant experience?
Little is also yet known about the side effects and risks of this research chemical. What we know has come from experience reports, where people mention the following:
- Need to take the drug again (craving)
- Heart rate increases drastically
- Difficulty with toileting
- Dehydration
- Nauseous feeling
- Dips after taking the drug
- No appetite
- Potential, temporary erectile dysfunction
- Trembling eyes
- Increased sweating
5-MAPB action
5 MAPB acts on the monoamines, such as norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. In addition, it is an agonist for the receptors 5-HT2A and 5-HT2B. Due to this influence, 5 MAPB has stimulant effects as well as empathogenic and hallucinogenic effects.
Where to buy 5MAPB?
At the time of writing, 5MAPB is still legal to research. The research chemical is also sold only for research purposes and is not suitable for human consumption. It should be added, however, that the Dutch government is in the process of introducing a law to ban all New Psychoactive Substances at once. In short, 5-MAPB can still be purchased to experiment with in 2024. Online, you can buy 5-MAPB from retailers like, specialists in selling quality research chemicals of pure purity.