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Would you also like to grow your own Peyote cactus? You can at Funcaps. We sell Peyote seeds, which are hard to obtain and grow into a cactus of value. Want to buy the Peyote cactus? Then know that the seeds may take some time to grow, but with enough patience and proper care, you will definitely get something in return. Place your order today and discover for yourself the benefits of this special cactus.

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What is a Peyote cactus?

Peyote mescaline cactus seeds are also known by the Latin name Lophophora Williamsii. This cactus is rare and difficult to obtain, as its normal habitat is Mexico and the southern United States. Growing this particular cactus takes up to a year at most. It does not grow very large moreover, only about 12 inches in diameter. In its countries of origin, the Peyote is often used for shamanic rituals because the plant contains psychedelic substances, such as mescaline, which can cause quite a trip.

How do you taste the effects of Peyote?

Traditionally and still in some cultures, Peyote is eaten by chewing on fresh or dried buds of the Peyote mescaline cactus. Since these buds have a bitter taste, some people grind the buds and put them in a tea. Capsules are also made from them. The Peyote seeds at Funcaps are for cultivation only and not for recreational consumption. Consumption should only take place, after the cactus is fully grown. Moreover, it is best to consume the cactus in a ritual setting under the guidance of a shaman for safety and the best effects.

What does a Peyote mescaline cactus do?

Known effects of the Peyote cactus are:

  • Brings about changes in sensory perception
  • Intense colors
  • Seeing geometric figures
  • Getting in touch with spiritual powers, such as spirits and ancestors
  • Greater connection with nature
  • Change in thought patterns
  • Change in the way you see yourself
  • More intense perception of music
  • Spiritual insights
  • At higher doses: magical and mystical experiences
  • You see colorful patterns

In the beginning of your trip, you may feel a little nauseous, which can lead to vomiting. This is normal and no cause for concern.

The psychedelic substance mescaline

The Peyote cactus contains the psychedelic substance mescaline, which is why Peyote falls under the mescaline cacti. By consuming these cacti, you can experience a violent trip that feels more natural than when you take mescaline in pure form. The observable effects are similar to, for example, a trip caused by magic mushrooms, which you can also grow in your psychedelic garden at Funcaps. Peyote cacti, however, cause a more prolonged trip, which starts after only three quarters to an hour and a half. The peak occurs at about four to six hours af

Correct dosage

In a ritual with the Peyote cactus, a usual dosage is 300 milligrams of mescaline. This is contained in about 20 grams of dried Peyote. If it is your first ritual, you may also just get a dose of 15 grams for a milder trip. If you are more experienced in this area, then a dose of 30 grams is also permissible. If not dried, then 150 grams of fresh Peyote is needed for an average experience.

Buy peyote at Funcaps

Buy Peyote cacti, you do at Funcaps. We offer quality seeds of this mescaline cactus, which are guaranteed to sprout with proper care and a little patience. Moreover, we also sell other grow kits of psychedelic cacti. Do you have green fingers? Then these grow kits are definitely for you! Funcaps guarantees a careful selection of products and fast delivery, so you can place your order with confidence. We also provide fast and discrete delivery, so you can quickly start growing your cacti. Order Peyote and other cacti online now and also benefit from discounts on your order with our loyalty program.

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