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Kristal Gemalen Rapé


Do you want to cleanse your energetic body properly? Do you want to go on an intense spiritual journey? Then crystal ground rapé might be for you! At Funcaps, you can buy this crystal ground rapé. We have an extensive collection of different rapé varieties, including the crystal grinded rapé. Would you like to experience the more powerful effects of this rapé? Order your crystal ground rapé today and discover now what this special rapé strain can do for you.

What is crystal ground rapé?

Rapé is broadly made by following a set recipe from indigenous tribes in the Amazon region. However, this recipe is more of a guideline and is not fixed. A shaman may well deviate from the normal method because of this. Crystal ground rapé is one such example. In this type of rapé, the rapé mixture is finely pounded and ground using crystals. The big advantage is that crystals are known for their cleansing properties. In short, they already absorb negative energies during the grinding process, making the resulting rapé purer than any other type of rapé. Moreover, with crystal grinded rapé, you can count on an extra finely ground rapé, making it even easier to inhale through the tepi of kuripe.

Effects of crystal grinded rapé

Because crystal grinded rapé is ground with crystals, the effects of this type of rapé are even more intense than with normal rapé variants. So you can expect effects of a more intense nature such as:

  • Energetic body is enhanced.
  • Works even more powerfully as an MAOI.
  • Mentally you feel completely well.
  • You can let go of negative thoughts much faster.
  • You feel even more connected to the earth on a spiritual level.
  • Your airways are completely cleared.
  • Your sinuses become completely free.

Our range of rapé crystal grinded

Rapé is available in several varieties, and so our rapé crystal grinded also comes in several varieties. We have the Canela do Velha rapé crystal grinded. The Canela do Velha is known for its calming and illuminating effects. For example, Canela do Velha is often used as a remedy for chronic pains. We also have Cumaru rapé with crystal grinded. This rapé also known as black rapé protects you from low energies. Rapé Samahuma crystal grinded is a powerful rapé species, known for its healing properties with a touch of magic. In fact, the Samahuma tree is at least 70 metres tall and is attributed magical properties by the indigenous people. The crystal grinded Murici rapé has positive effects on your health. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and can tackle the symptoms of colds well. Finally, we stock a crystal ground rapé, which is combined with cocoa. This cacao rapé completely calms you down and will drastically improve your mood.

How do you use crystal grinded rapé?

Because crystal grinded rapé is so finely ground, it is extra easy to take. You take rapé as a snuff; in short, you sniff the mixture with a tepi or kuripe. If you are alone, you can use a kuripe. With this v-shaped tube, you place rapé in one hole and blow it into both nostrils with the mouthpiece. If you are with someone, then the second person can blow the rapé into your nostrils with a tepi. However, the rapé should be blown into both nostrils so that the energy flows are balanced. However, due to the intensity of the crystal ground rapé, the second nostril is a challenge in self-application. Therefore, if you are new to rapé, it is wiser to take crystal grinded rapé with someone.

To buy crystal grinded rapé, go to Funcaps

Would you also like to order crystal grinded rapé? Then you've come to the right place at Funcaps. In our smartshop, you will find all kinds of high-quality rapé varieties and accessories. We extensively test all our products in our laboratories before we sell them. This allows us to offer our customers the best rapé with a purity of 99%. Our crystal ground rapé consists of only natural materials, giving you an authentic experience. Therefore, buy your rapé crystal grinded from us now and start your spiritual journey within just a few days.

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