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Same Day Delivery


Sameday Delivery: Receive your package on the same day!

Shipping Method: Sameday Delivery
Cost: €12.50

Order Times and Delivery:

  1. Monday to Friday (00:00 - 09:15): You will receive your order the same evening between 17:30 and 22:30.
  2. Monday to Thursday (after 09:15): You will receive your order the next evening between 17:30 and 22:30.
  3. Friday (after 09:15), Saturday and Sunday: You will receive your order on Monday evening between 17:30 and 22:30.

Important Points:

  • Your package is insured and comes with tracking.
  • Delivery is not possible to business addresses.
  • Make sure someone is home to receive the package. If you are not home, it will be delivered to your neighbors or retried the next evening.
  • Tracking for these shipments will be available later in the afternoon in a separate email from Trunkrs.


Same Day Delivery is not available on the Wadden Islands.

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