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Nukini Rapé


Are you struggling with negative thoughts? Do you want to get rid of all that negative energy inside yourself? Then Nukini rapé is the remedy for you! This well-known rapé species is known for its cleansing and grounding effects. Buy Nukini rapé at Funcaps. We are specialists in selling high-quality rapé in our smartshop. So place your order now and discover for yourself what Nukini rapé can do for you. 

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What is Nukini rapé?

The rapé made by the Nukini tribe is a very special kind of rapé. In fact, this rapé is not made by the entire tribe, but by the women of the Nukini. The rapé consists of the ashes of the sacred tsunu tree, which is also used in Yawanawa rapé. In addition, Nukini rapé consists of other spices from the Amazon. The Nukini women crush the ash and herbs into a powder mixture while singing sacred songs. The result is a fragrant rapé that carries a feminine, stimulating energy. What exactly goes into the rapé is a secret passed down from generation to generation. 

De Nukini tribe

The Nukini fall under the Huni Kuin community, which you may also know as the creator of the Huni Kuin rapé. The Nukini live in a vast area in the northern Brazilian state of Acre. The Nukini are again divided into small clans, such as the Spotted Jaguar People (Inubakevu). The Nukinis' life goal is to pass on customs and knowledge to the younger generations. They do this through sharing craft techniques and medical recipes of a sacred nature, such as rapé, without outside influence.

Effects of rapé Nukini

In the fragrant rapé of the Nukini women, you notice an uplifting, feminine energy. Moreover, with the Nukini rapé, you can count on positive effects such as:

  • Long-lasting effect and after-effects
  • Strong cleansing
  • Deep grounding 
  • Releasing negative thoughts
  • Releasing negative energy
  • Aligns you with your higher self
  • Opens your Third Eye
  • Lets you connect with the Holy Spirit

You can buy this Nukini rapé from us

We have several varieties of this special rapé at Funcaps; each Nukini rapé with its own effects. We have the Eucalypto, which is known to bring healing to your Third Eye. This rapé is sure to bring clarity to your mind and break through obstacles. We also offer Nukini Jaguar, the standard rapé of the Nukinis.  You will also find the Sansara and Sete Estrelas in our range.

How do you take rapé Nukini?

You can take rapé Nukini like any rapé. You make a pea-sized ball and place it in a kuripe or tepi. With a kuripe, you then blow the smoke into each nostril yourself. With a tepi, a second person blows the smoke into you per nostril. If you are a beginner, it is best to inhale the Nukini Jaguar. This rapé is slightly milder than the other Nukini rapé.

Look no further: you can buy quality Nukini rapé here

Looking for cheap and high-quality rapé? At Funcaps, we make sure you can buy quality Nukini rapé at an affordable price. We have a wide range of Nukini rapé, as well as an extensive collection of other rapé types. With us, you can also count on fast and discreet shipping. So you don't have to wait long, until you can enjoy a strong cleansing of body and mind.

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