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Palo Santo


Are you looking for a pleasant incense to use during your rituals? Are you looking for a remedy that helps you cleanse a space? Then you must be looking for Palo Santo! This literally means Sacred Wood and it is extracted from Bursera graveolens, a tree from the Boswellia family. This Sacred Wood is made into incense or oil and its purpose is to cleanse and calm rooms/persons. Would you also like to buy Palo Santo? At Funcaps, we have a wide range of high-quality Sacred Wood products. Place your order today and experience the cleansing effects of this product for yourself!

  1. €1.50

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  2. As low as €12.50

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  3. Special Price €4.55 Regular Price €6.50

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  4. Special Price €4.55 Regular Price €6.50

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  5. €7.50

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  6. Special Price €3.49 Regular Price €4.99

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  7. Special Price €1.75 Regular Price €2.50

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What is Palo Santo?

Palo Santo is a type of wood extracted from the tree Bursera graveolens. The wood is processed into oils or incense. Bursera graveolens is found in South America, such as Peru, Venezuela and Mexico, and is mainly found in coastal and mountainous areas. Sacred Wood is a sustainable wood species, which is strictly monitored. Palo Santo is collected from fallen trees and broken branches. In short, no trees are cut down for it. Once the wood is collected, it is left to mature for a minimum of four and a maximum of ten years. This creates the distinctive, calming fragrance, which is experienced as both sweet and warm.

Origins of the Sacred Wood

Palo Santo has been around for centuries. In the past, the wood was mainly used among the indigenous people of South America. It was used in rituals and spiritual events of, for example, the Incas. Shamans used the wood in healing and purification rituals, for instance. This is because the sweet scent creates a stronger vibration in the air, which in turn would facilitate a meditative state and could drive away evil spirits.

Palo Santo products at Funcaps

At Funcaps, we offer several Palo Santo products. The quality of our products is extensively tested before we offer it in our smartshop. As a result, you are always assured of products with 99% purity. Our collection includes:

  • Sacred wood cones
  • Palo Santo sticks
  • Sacred wood oil

Incense sticks from Sacred Wood

If you buy incense sticks or incense cones, then matching incense holders are no luxury. These holders allow you to burn Palo Santo safely. Moreover, the ash is collected by the small reservoir.

What does Palo Santo do to you?

So what are the effects of Palo Santo? When you burn the wood or drink it in tea, you will observe the following effects:

  • Bad spirits are driven away.
  • Attracting good fortune and prosperity.
  • Calming effect on your mind.
  • Helps with colds.
  • Works for physical complaints, such as asthma and headaches.
  • Works for mental complaints, such as anxiety and depression.
  • Also calms pets.
  • Improves concentration.

When to use Sacred Wood?

Due to its many benefits, Palo Santo Sacred Wood is used in multiple ways. You can use it in a cleansing ritual, also known as smudging. In this ritual, you cleanse a room or a person. You can also use Palo Santo during meditation to create a calming ambience. In aromatherapy, Sacred Wood can also be used, as the pleasant smell of the smoke has a relaxing effect. Do you perform your own ritual? Then Heilig Hout can also help you to relax.

How do you burn Sacred Wood?

When you want to burn Palo Santo, you can take a piece of Sacred Wood or incense. Light the end of the wood or incense with a lighter or match. When you see the core glowing, you can blow out the flame. Place the wood or incense in a holder. The smoke will spread itself through the room. If you want to intensify the fragrance, you can also light the wood or incense a second time. If you want to purify a room, you can also walk through the room with the Palo Santo and let the smoke do its work. This is especially useful if you want to purify several rooms.

Drinking Palo Santo as a tea

Some people like to experience the beneficial effects of Palo Santo by brewing tea from the wood. Place a cube of wood in your hot water and let it steep for a while. By drinking it, Palo Santo can improve your immune system and nervous system.

Sacred wood in oil form

Oil is also often extracted from the wood of Palo Santo. This oil contains many good substances, such as high concentrations of D-Limonene and Monotropenes. These substances help with symptoms of several diseases. Palo Santo oil is also used in aromatherapy for its calming effect in particular.

Buy Palo Santo products at Funcaps

If you are looking for high-quality Palo Santo products, you have come to the right place at Funcaps. In our extensive smartshop, we sell several natural remedies, such as herbs, oils and rapé, that can cleanse, restore and improve your well-being. Our professional staff are always ready to help you and will gladly help you find the perfect Palo Santo product. That's why you do Palo Santo ordering at Funcaps. Moreover, you will receive our order quickly, so you can start cleaning your home and yourself completely.

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