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Flubrotizolam (FANAX)


Flubrotizolam, also known as FANAX, is an investigational substance similar to a prescription sedative and widely used in psychiatric care. It can cause side effects  such as muscle relaxation, amnesia, hypnotic and sedative effects, and anxiety reduction. At Funcaps, it is possible to buy this research chemical for research purposes. Click here to but this product in our Dutch shop!

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Flubrotizolam - buy

Buy flubrotizolam

Flubrotizolam, a fascinating compound in the world of pharmaceuticals, has received considerable attention recently. This substance, with its unique chemical composition, plays an important role in various studies and experience reports. Want to start your own experiment with flubrotizolam, or fanax? Then buy flubrotizolam from, the specialist in research chemicals. With us, you will find high-quality research chemicals at competitive prices.

What is flubrotizolam?

Flubrotizolam is also known as fanax and belongs to the class of benzodiazepines. Investigate other research chemicals of this class here. The substance has sedative and even hypnotic properties. It consists of about 98% pure substance and falls under research chemicals, which means it can only be sold for research purposes and not for recreational use.

How does flubrotizolam work?

Since fanax belongs to the benzodiazepines, this research chemical acts like other benzos. Flubrotizolam therefore enhances the activity of neurotransmitter GABA. This neurotransmitter reduces activity of nerve cells in the brain, causing calmness. The research chemical works specifically by binding to a GABA receptor, namely the GABA-A receptor. Due to its high affinity to this receptor, the effects of fanax are a lot stronger than other benzodiazepines.

What are the effects of fanax?

Not much research has yet been done on the effects of flubrotizolam, but a number of online experience reports and studies have already emerged. In these, effects such as:

  • Relaxing feelings
  • Calmness
  • Mild euphoric effects
  • At higher doses: hallucinations
  • At higher doses: dissociative states
  • Anxiety reducing
  • Muscle relaxation

Potential risks

Before you buy flubrotizolam for use in research purposes, it is important to understand the risks associated with a study involving human subjects. Incorrect usage of these research chemicals can be dangerous and harmful for human consumption. Benzodiazepines, in particular, are notorious for their potential for addiction, as seen with the popularity of Xanax among many individuals. Additionally, there is insufficient knowledge about the mechanisms and potential long-term consequences of using flubrotizolam. We strongly recommend thoroughly educating yourself before using it in research involving human subjects. At Funcaps, we offer products of the highest quality and excellent customer service.

How long does the research chemical work?

In subjects, the first effects started after up to 30 minutes, but this may be earlier. The effects lasted up to eight hours or more in the experiment. Online studies have shown that the research chemical has an elimination half-life of 16 to 20 hours. This is longer than the average benzodiazepine. A smaller dose can thereby cause the same effects as a standard benzo. The appropriate dosage of fanax is set at 0.5 milligrams of active ingredient.

In what forms can you buy fanax?

At, fanax is available in bars and in pills in a blister pack! It consists of 98% pure substance. Buy the fanax bars on this page. Both bars and pellets have a 0.5mg dosage. We hope this will provide you with the right tools to get your experiment or research going in the right direction! Is this not the form you are looking for? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Flubrotizolam is for sale at

Are you looking for fanax for sale? Then you came at the right place! specializes in the sale of fanax and other high-quality research chemicals. In addition to flubrotizolam, there are indeed other interesting substances that can be used as research chemicals, such as 2F-Ketamine, for sale at as well. Buy this intriguing substance here. This research chemical is known for its dissociative capabilities. This means that 2F-Ketamine can induce an effect as if the body and mind are separated, provided it is administered in a clinical setting.

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