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Truffles effect: what can you expect?

truffles effects

Truffles have a unique effect on the mind and are becoming increasingly popular among people looking for an awareness-expanding experience. These natural psychedelics contain the active substance psilocybin, which is converted into psilocin in the body. As a result, truffles cause changes in perception and emotions, among other things. In this blog, we take a deeper look at the effect that truffles can have and what you should consider when using them.

What is the effect of truffles?

Truffles contain the active substance psilocybin, which becomes psilocin in the body. This substance makes your brain function differently. As a result, truffles do not just have one effect. The effects can be divided into five categories: effects on sensory perception, effects on mood, effects on time perception, effects on mental processes, and physical effects.

Sensory effects

The most well-known effect of truffles is that they cause your brain to function differently. This disturbance or change in sensory perception leads to effects such as:

  • More intense colors
  • Perception of geometric structures
  • Trails formed during movement
  • Vibrating auras around objects
  • Change in dimension
  • Moving transitions between colors
  • Facial features become more pronounced
  • More intense sensory perception.

Mood-altering effects

Truffles can also influence your mood. Most users report feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and ecstasy. However, if a trip goes wrong, anxiety and confusion are more likely to occur during such a bad trip. Truffles amplify the feelings you are already experiencing.

Truffles affect time perception

Not only does your sensory perception change, but you also perceive the passage of time differently. Many people experience a slowing down of time. In extreme cases, people even report a halt in time.

Changes in mental processes

After consuming truffles, you will notice that your thinking becomes more associative. You make unusual connections. You come to surprising insights, but during a bad trip, this can also lead to almost psychotic thoughts. You will also hear more often that thoughts are going in circles, creating a loop. At high doses and with stronger truffles, the way a person views themselves also changes. The boundaries between that person and their environment seem to disappear. This phenomenon is called depersonalization or ego loss. This leads to a feeling of connectedness and unity with the environment.

Influence on the body

Lastly, truffles affect your physical condition. Your pupils dilate during a trip. Your heart rate increases, and your blood pressure may rise as well. Additionally, you may experience disturbances in your balance and a dry mouth. Some people also experience nausea and vomiting when consuming truffles.

Truffles and their side effects

The most well-known short-term side effect of truffles is the bad trip. This is an unpleasant experience when consuming truffles, caused by too high a dose, an unfavorable mood, a strong truffle variety, or the wrong setting. The consequences of a bad trip are feelings of anxiety and panic. There are hardly any physical risks associated with truffle use. With prolonged and regular use, some people may experience Visual Snow Syndrome, where they perceive visual noise. For individuals who are sensitive to psychoses, truffles can trigger a psychotic experience. The chance of addiction is small, although your body can quickly become accustomed to the effect of truffles. By taking a short break from usage, you can reset yourself.

Tips to reduce side effects when consuming truffles

Not only the effect you experience when consuming truffles depends on factors like dosage, setting, and strength of the truffles, but the side effects you may experience are also dependent on these aspects. By playing with these factors, you can create the best possible trip for yourself, allowing you to fully enjoy your truffle experience. Follow these tips to get the most out of your experience:

  • Consume truffles in a safe and familiar environment with lots of calm.
  • Take truffles with people you feel comfortable with.
  • Take truffles when in a good mood.
  • Use a sober trip sitter.
  • Taking truffles for the first time? Use a low dose and a mild truffle variety.
  • Do not drive right after the trip.
  • Do not participate in traffic at all.
  • Do not use truffles in combination with alcohol, medications, or drugs.
  • Process your trip and take a day off.
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