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Ostarine: its effects, experiences and side effects

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  • 5 Jun 2024
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Ostarine: its effects, experiences and side effects

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that is becoming increasingly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. This drug is praised for its ability to increase muscle mass, reduce fat and speed up recovery without the severe side effects often associated with anabolic steroids. In this blog, we will elaborate on how this SARM works and the general Ostarine experience people have with the drug.

What is Ostarine?

Ostarine falls under the selective androgen receptors, abbreviated SARM. It is also known as MK-2866 or Enobosarm. Within the world of sports, it is one of the most popular SARMs, known to promote muscle growth and improve endurance. Ostarine has relatively few side effects, making MK2866 suitable for both novice and experienced athletes.

Effect of MK-2866

Ostarine attaches to androgen receptors, but does not induce oestrogen. It increases your muscle mass without causing excess fat to accumulate. As a result, the side effects of this SARM are limited. An average cycle of MK2866 lasts six to eight weeks, with you already noticing results between three and four weeks. Never use the drug for more than 12 weeks in a row. When you stop, it is highly recommended to do a Post Cycle Therapy.

Ostarine experiences

The fact that Ostarine is one of the best-selling SARMs already shows that people have generally positive Ostarine experiences. With this SARM, you can achieve a significant increase in your muscle mass and do so without too many unpleasant side effects. Other effects of Ostarine include:

  • Gaining more strength just like after taking MK-677
  • Improvement in your bodily functions
  • Fewer injuries
  • Burning fat
  • Increase in dry muscle mass
  • Stronger bones and joints
  • Increase in metabolism
  • Increased blood supply to muscles
  • Improvement of your tissue

Because of the lack of side effects, you can use Ostarine just fine with other SARMs, such as MK677 and Ligandrol, and it can be used during both cutting and bulking. 

Ostarine side effects

Little conclusive research has been done on the side effects of MK-2866, but from the online studies that have appeared, there appeared to be few side effects associated with this SARM. The side effects that do exist are also relatively mild. Some side effects detected include: decrease in testosterone and lower cholesterol levels.

Suitable dosage

What constitutes an appropriate dose depends partly on your gender. Men can have 20 to 30 milligrams of active ingredient daily, while for women this dose is slightly lower, between 5 and 10 milligrams. You divide the dosage over 2 to 3 intakes a day. MK 2866 is available in capsule form and you can buy it in powder form

Ostarine not permitted in sports

MK 2866 is mostly used in boxing, bodybuilding and crossfit, as the SARM causes joint strengthening and also more mobility in the joints. Do note that Ostarine is included in the doping list of several sports organisations. This means that you should not take MK-2866 in competition or sporting events, as this could lead to disqualification.

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