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The effects of magic mushrooms (psilocybin): Everything you need to know!

magic mushrooms effects

Magic mushrooms have been used for centuries due to their consciousness-altering effects. They contain the active compound psilocybin, which is converted into psilocin in the body and influences the brain. This can lead to intense visual and emotional experiences, altered perception of time and space, and profound insights. But what exactly are the positive and negative effects of magic mushrooms? In this blog, we take a closer look at the different effects that occur during a magic mushroom trip.

The sensory effects of magic mushrooms

The first effect of magic mushrooms is on sensory perception. They do not necessarily cause hallucinations, but rather changes or distortions in how your senses perceive the world. This leads to effects such as:

  • More intense perception of colors
  • Geometric structures (sometimes three-dimensional) appearing on surfaces
  • Heightened perception of all senses, including stronger smells and tastes
  • Afterimages following moving objects
  • Facial features becoming more pronounced
  • Colored, vibrating auras visible around objects
  • Altered perception of dimensions
  • Colors shifting and blending into each other

One of the well-known effects of magic mushrooms is a different perception of time. Time often seems to pass more slowly. During an intense trip, time may even appear to stand still entirely.

Physical effects of magic mushrooms

A magic mushroom trip also affects the body. Physical effects that may occur include dilated pupils, increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and balance issues. Other common physical effects are dry mouth, nausea, or vomiting. These last effects are particularly common when mushrooms are eaten. However, you can also consume them in tea or even meals to reduce nausea.

Mood changes

Magic mushrooms can strongly influence your mood. When taken in the right setting, they lead to a positive experience. You may feel euphoric and ecstatic. However, taking a high dose or being in the wrong setting can lead to a negative experience. You may feel anxious or confused. If you are already feeling emotionally unwell before taking them, those negative feelings may be amplified.

Magic mushrooms can cause bad trips

Taking too high a dose or consuming mushrooms in an unsuitable setting can lead to a bad trip. A bad trip may include the following:

  • Intense fear
  • Confusion
  • Loss of control
  • Recurring unpleasant thoughts and images
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Triggering of psychosis

Changes in mental processes

Another common effect of magic mushrooms is more associative thinking during a trip. Your brain makes unusual connections, which can lead to surprising insights. However, some thoughts may loop repeatedly. With higher doses, you may experience a shift in ego perception. The boundaries between yourself and your surroundings blur and may even disappear entirely. This creates a sense of unity with the world around you, often reaching spiritual or religious heights.

How magic mushrooms work

Magic mushrooms contain the psychedelic compound psilocybin. In the body, psilocybin is converted into psilocin, which alters how sensory perceptions are processed by the brain. In short, it changes consciousness. The psilocybin dosage varies among mushrooms, meaning some have stronger effects than others.

What factors determine the effects of magic mushrooms (Psilocybin)?

Not all magic mushrooms are equally potent. Some are mild and suitable for first-time use, while others produce intense effects. Additionally, dried mushrooms tend to be more potent than fresh ones. However, the intensity of the effects also depends on personal factors. How are you feeling physically and mentally? Are you in a calm and safe environment? Personal factors can either enhance a positive trip or trigger a frightening experience. The first effects usually begin within 20 to 60 minutes after consumption and occur in waves. After about three to four hours, the effects gradually subside.

Tips for a safe trip

To ensure a positive magic mushroom trip, here are some essential tips:

  • Choose a familiar and safe environment to take your mushrooms.
  • Only take them when you feel good physically and mentally.
  • Do not mix mushrooms with alcohol or other substances.
  • Have a sober trip-sitter present to guide the experience.
  • Even after the effects wear off, you are not immediately sober. Do not drive or engage in dangerous activities.
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