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Crystal meth kopen


Fans of the hit series Breaking Bad are undoubtedly familiar with the infamous drug crystal meth. This powerful substance, also known by various names, is known for its intense stimulant effects similar to amphetamines. Because the use of crystal meth carries serious risks, it is illegal in the Netherlands. Still curious about its effects? At Funcaps we offer legal alternatives that allow you to safely investigate the properties of crystal meth. Our pure research chemicals are specially developed for research. Order your crystal meth alternative today and start your experiments soon!

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        Fans of the hit series Breaking Bad are by now familiar with the drug crystal meth. Crystal meth is a drug with many names, but is especially popular because of its stimulant effects that are equivalent to amphetamines. Because of the risks associated with taking crystal meth, the drug is illegal in the Netherlands. However, have you always wanted to explore the effects of crystal meth? You can, when you go to Funcaps to buy legal alternatives to crystal meth. We sell special research chemicals of a pure nature, so you can do your own research on the effects of illegal substances like crystal meth. Therefore, quickly place your crystal meth alternative in your shopping cart and discover the beneficial effects that crystal meth can bring you within just a few days.

        What is crystal meth?

        Crystal meth is a drug, which gets its name from its often crystal appearance. The drug is also known by other names, such as Tina (in the gay scene among chemsex users), Ice, methamphetamine or Yaba (in Thailand). Crystal meth is a stimulant with uplifting effects similar to those of amphetamines such as speed. Methamphetamine is also counted within this group of substances. It is therefore among the three most widely used addictive substances in the world, although in the Netherlands the number of users of crystal meth is relatively low. In addition to crystal forms, methamphetamine is also available in powders or pills.

        Left- and right-turning

        Methamphetamine comes in left- and right-turning varieties, just like other amphetamines. Right-handed crystal meth is much stronger than left-handed crystal meth. In the Netherlands in the heyday of crystal meth, you would find a mixture of both left- and right-handed methamphetamine.

        Effect of crystal meth

        Crystal meth has similar effects to amphetamines, such as speed. It stimulates the brain by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Methamphetamine has a slightly different chemical structure than standard amphetamines, giving it an even more powerful effect.

        Differences between methamphetamine and amphetamines

        Although crystal meth is counted among the amphetamines, this drug differs from standard amphetamines, such as speed, in several aspects. Crystal meth has about the same effects as speed, but works much longer, for example. The effects of methamphetamine can last up to 12 hours, where the effects of speed last up to eight hours. In addition, the effects with crystal meth are more intense in nature. Users of crystal meth need to take much less of the substance to achieve the same effects. Because of its strong effects, the addiction risk is also higher with methamphetamine. Finally, crystal meth is more likely to be injected or smoked because it works better than snorting or swallowing. Crystal cubes are also more often burned and the vapors inhaled.

        Why should you buy crystal meth?

        Crystal meth is an uplifting drug, which is why it has become known for such stimulating effects as:

        • You feel energized.
        • You feel confident.
        • Fatigue disappears and you feel awake.
        • You feel blissful.
        • Engaging in many activities is on your schedule.
        • The need to talk a lot increases.
        • The need for social interaction increases.
        • You are much more alert.
        • Your feeling of hunger is gone.

        What is the danger of ordering crystal meth?

        There are many health risks associated with the use of crystal meth. The biggest risk is addiction. This is mainly due to the cravings that occur after ingestion. You constantly want to take more of the drug. Because Methamphetamine is so strong, it is often difficult to dose, so people also quickly take too much. In short, overdose is also a major risk. Long-term use of crystal meth can also cause brain damage and mental illness. Short-term side effects occur as:

        • Heavy sweating
        • High blood pressure
        • Accelerated heart rate
        • Palpitations
        • Heavy hangover after ingestion
        • Paranoia
        • Anxiety
        • High body temperature
        • Gloom
        • Sleep problems
        • Restlessness
        • Headaches
        • Muscle tension

        Moreover, at high doses, psychosis can occur and, in addition, the risk of death increases.


        Crystal meth is illegal in the Netherlands because it is on List I of the Opium Act and is considered a hard drug. As a result, it is illegal to have crystal meth in your possession, as well as to produce, trade or transport this drug.

        Buy legal alternatives to methamphetamine at Funcaps

        Although ordering crystal meth in short is illegal in the Netherlands, you can examine legal substances at Funcaps, which are similar to Methamphetamine in terms of effects. Also our substances are only suitable for research purposes and not for recreational use. Our research chemicals are all 98% pure and we have extensively tested every research chemical in our laboratories before we offer them for sale. This allows us to offer a wide range of alternatives to Methamphetamine. Legal alternatives to crystal meth include the RCs 4-FMA or 2-FA. Discover for yourself what effects our pure substances have and quickly place your legal crystal meth alternative order online.

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