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4F-methylphenidate (4F-MPH)


At Funcaps, you can buy 4F-Methylphenidate as a research chemical, do note that it is not intended for consumption! It has stimulant effects and is often used for concentration and focus. The effects may vary, but can include prolonged euphoria, stimulation, dry mouth, increased heart rate and hyperfocus within test groups. Looking to buy this chemical within the Netherlands? Order 4F-Methylphenidate on our Dutch website!

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There is a difference between Ritalin and 4F-MPH. Ritalin is a medicine prescribed by doctors to, usually children or young adults, treat symptoms of ADD, ADHD or other DSM-5 related symptoms. This is only obtainable through a licensed physician and a string of diagnostic checks. 4F mph, also known as 4f-methylfenidate, however is a research chemical that can be bought online for people who would like to research the chemical in an experimentalised manner. We do not condone nor intent for people to consume said chemical, our products are sold solely for research purposes and should be bought for the intent of researching said chemical.

Please note that all information about these research chemicals and the research chemicals themselves are for educational and research purposes only. These products are not supplements and are not suitable for human consumption.


We hear this question quite a lot: why would anyone decide to order 4f methylphenidate, derived from Ritalin, as a research chemical? The most obvious answer is of course for research purposes, but it is actually more nuanced than that. For example, students in the medical sector could greatly benefit from researching the working qualities within Ritalin. This could span between future doctors to lab scientists, it is always good to research what you are making or prescribing.


Currently 4F-MPH is placed one the Opium Act 1 within the Netherlands due to it, as aforementioned, only being obtainable by a physicians prescription. Thus, making it so other products have entered the market to make sure people’s research needs are still being met. That is why research chemicals like 4F-MPH Pellets and research chemicals like 4F-MPH Powder have been introduced to the market. As per early 2023, research chemicals like 4F-MPH are legal to purchase within the Netherlands, given they are only used for research purposes.


You would not be the first person who decides to research 4F MPH and be amazed by the chemical structure of it. At Funcaps we do our best to maintain a high-quality standard as thus to not implicate your experiments. One of our customers left the following review as a testimony to that statement:

“Researched the productivity enhancing properties of this molecule, and did so with success.
Lasts long, is strong, focus, wakefulness and motivation.” – Kevin


This is in line with what is to be expected when researching 4F-methylfenidate, derived from Ritalin. Research has shown that possible effects are defined by environment, and by this we do not mean whether it is cold or warm outside. Research showed that within a controlled and calm environment, effects rise up that can be linked to increased focus, productivity and mental serenity. Another environment that has been tested was an environment which was a lot less controlled and calm. Think of a room containing many impulses like music and flickering lights. In such an environment, research has shown that a stimulating and prolonged euphoric feeling were achieved. We do have to note that these are independent studies. The experiences with Ritalin or 4F-MPH can be very different per person. A real scientist wants to know for themselves whether something is true or false. We suggest you buy 4F methylphenidate to contribute to the research!


If you want to buy 4F-methylfenidate (4F-MPH) at we recommend you to store it according to the following guidelines:

Store your purchased research chemical in a dark place, thus making sure it is not in prolonged contact with (natural) light. A prolonged exposure to a light source, or any heat source for that matter, could decrease our promised quality and thus influence your research. We also recommend keeping it in a high place as to make sure that children and/or pets will not be able to reach it.

HOW DOES 4F-methylphenidate WORK?

4F-MPH, also known as Ritalin, works by influencing dopamine and norepinephrine activity within the brain. These two both reside within the central nervous system and act as a neurotransmitter for pleasure/attention span and a stimulant, respectively. Thus, the reason why, as we mentioned before, in a controlled calm environment research showed it to stimulate focus and in a busier environment it showed to stimulate euphoric feelings. The neurotransmitters slowly add up over time due to the fact they are no longer ‘recycled’ by the brain and thus begin to achieve a noticeable effect. 4F-methylphenidate works for around 2 hours, then the effects will slowly fade away, similar to the working time of Ritalin.

On the other hand, research showed it, due to it being a neurotransmitter inducing chemical, it could also possibly affect other parts of the brain. People who got medically prescribed Ritalin and had a history of anxiety noted that it further developed said anxiety. The possible reason being is that, according to some evidence, dopamine receptor D1 and D2 of the dopaminergic system are being related to anxiety inducing symptoms. But, as with any other chemical, the research towards Ritalin is never done. Are you doubting whether 4F MPH is the chemical you want to research? If you are not sure, take a look at our entire research chemical inventory! Perhaps something else catches your eye.

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