Poppers Small
Super Rush Red 9ml
Super Rush Red poppers are from the industry leader: Rush poppers. These poppers are very popular with users. Experience it yourself!
PAY ATTENTION!! : Do not swallow this product and do not use it in combination with Kamagra / Viagra and other erection agents
Prices are per bottle (Content 9ml Super Rush Red poppers).
3 | 10% | €5.30 | €15.90 | |
18 | 34% | €3.87 | €69.66 |
- Immediately available
- Discreet Packaging
- Cheapest price
Product Details
Super Rush Red poppers information
Attention Rush lovers! Have you ever tried Super Rush Red? Try quickly. Be warned, you'll be really looking forward to an evening of sex with your partner!
Effects Super Rush Red poppers
- Strengthening the sense of lust (sexual)
- Muscle relaxant / relaxing
- Uplifted / stimulating feeling
Unwanted effects of Super Rush Red and or poppers in general
- Headache
- Fatigue and nausea
- Difficulty seeing clearly
User manual Super Rush Red
Sniff the liquid in the bottle, immediately after sniffing the vapor through your nose it starts to work. 1 sniff is enough for 1-2 minutes.
Hazard Statements Super Rush Red
PAY ATTENTION!! : Do not swallow this product
PAY ATTENTION!! : do not use in combination with Kamagra / Viagra and other erection agents.
More Information
Brands | PWD Poppers |
Size | Small |
Is on Sale | No |