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Cannabis kopen


Cannabis is a term that refers to both the hemp plant and the products made from it, such as marijuana and hashish. Although many people know cannabis as an ingredient in a joint, it can also be consumed in other ways, such as in food or drink. Would you like to buy cannabis? In the Netherlands, you can do so in coffeeshops, as long as you don't carry more than 5 grams. At Funcaps we do not sell weed or hash, but we do sell cannabis-based products. Our products do not contain THC, but do contain CBD, so you can order them carefree. Add your favorite cannabis products to your cart and quickly experience the benefits!

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              Cannabis refers to both the hemp plant (cannabis plant) and the products derived from it, such as marijuana and hashish. Many people know cannabis as the main ingredient in a joint, but cannabis can also be eaten or drunk. Would you also like to buy cannabis? In the Netherlands this is allowed in coffeeshops, but you can't carry more than 5 grams. At Funcaps we do not sell weed or hash, but we do have products that contain cannabis. Our products do not contain THC, but CBD, which means you can stock up on them in our smartshop with peace of mind. Place your favorite cannabis products in the cart now and enjoy all the desired effects in just a few days.

              What is cannabis?

              The term cannabis has several meanings. It is the name of the cannabis plant (Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica), but also the collective name for the THC-containing products that come from this plant. Think of products such as hash and weed. The main active ingredient of hash and weed is THC, tetrahydrocannabinol. Cannabis is smoked, which is also called blowing or smoking, or incorporated into food and beverages.

              Active substances in cannabis

              Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main active ingredient in cannabis. THC, for example, causes the well-known intoxication after smoking a joint. Dutch marijuana contains as much as 17 percent THC, while in marijuana grown abroad this percentage is lower. Another substance is CBD. The effects weed evokes depend on the balance between THC and other substances such as CBD. If THC is strongly present, it results in the high effect.

              Medicinal cannabis

              Cannabis is used as medicine for a number of conditions. For example, cannabis works as medication for:

              • MS
              • Chronic pain
              • Epilepsy
              • In nausea and vomiting due to other medications
              • Palliative treatments for cancer
              • With Tourette's syndrome
              • ADHD
              • Crohn's disease
              • Itching complaints
              • Rheumatism
              • PTSD
              • Ulcerative colitis

              It is important to note that in these conditions, cannabis does not constitute the cure. It only helps reduce symptoms and pains.

              Cannabis as a stimulant

              Cannabis is not only used because of medicinal purposes. Cannabis is also used more frequently as a stimulant. Desired effects of cannabis as a stimulant are:

              • Relaxation muscles
              • Less stress
              • Feeling happy
              • Other sensory perception
              • intoxication
              • Increased appetite
              • The world feels finer
              • Laughing a lot

              Unwanted effects

              Hashish and marijuana can also bring unpleasant effects when you take it in the wrong setting, for example. For example, you may feel anxious, to the point of panic. You can also suffer from paranoia or become very impassive. In addition, people experience fatigue, dry mouths and red eyes. Accelerated heartbeat or palpitations are also among the side effects of cannabis. Long-term use even causes memory problems and decreased concentration.

              How is cannabis taken?

              Hashish and marijuana are usually mixed with tobacco, then rolled into a cigarette paper to form a joint or stickie. This is then smoked (blowing or smoking). Cannabis is also often incorporated into foods or drinks. The best-known example, of course, is space cake, but cannabis can also be made into gummy bears or cannabis tea, for example. The dangerous thing about eating cannabis is that the effects kick in later. Because of this, many people take too much too soon, resulting in a high dose being consumed. This quickly leads to unpleasant side effects such as nausea and a bad trip.

              Duration of effect of cannabis

              How long the effects of cannabis or hashish last depends on a number of factors. For example, it depends on an individual's metabolism, as well as the amount of cannabis, the brand of cannabis and the frequency of use. In addition, whether you smoke or eat cannabis determines the duration of action. If you smoke cannabis, for example, the effects begin after only a few minutes. The effects then last up to six hours. If you vape cannabis, the effects also occur after a few minutes and last between three and six hours. If you eat cannabis in the form of a spacecake, for example, the effects begin half an hour to two hours after ingestion and then last for six to twelve hours.

              Legality of cannabis

              Hashish and marijuana are on List II of the Opium Act and are therefore considered soft drugs. Therefore, you may buy cannabis in coffee shops, but only under certain conditions. If you are carrying less than five grams of weed or hash, it is tolerated and you will not be prosecuted. This is also called the tolerance policy. This only applies to adults: minors are always punishable if they have cannabis in their pockets. Do you grow your own cannabis? This is also allowed in small amounts. In fact, you may have up to five cannabis plants in your household.

              Ordering cannabis alternatives at Funcaps

              Do you think it's all just gray area and would rather order an alternative to cannabis so you can be sure? We understand that at Funcaps! That is why we have cannabis edibles in our assortment, where the main active ingredient is CBD! So you can enjoy products with a relaxing effect, but miss the sometimes unpleasant high that THC-containing products bring. Our products have a 98% purity and are extensively tested in laboratories before sale. So, do you want to buy reliable cannabis alternatives? Then you're in the right place with us! Order your products now and enjoy the peace and happiness our products bring you.

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